Goodbye Alfresco Dining

And, just like that, the particularly glorious summer we have had here in New York this year is over. Despite the often sweltering heat that envelops the city at that time, it remains my favorite season as most weekends during it involve some kind of alfresco dining – on terraces, side walks or the parks….

A French Affair

It is always a very special time when my parents visit me in New York. I have now spent over half of my life abroad, first in London and now here, and I know it can’t have been easy for my parents to always accept the fact that I will probably never come back to…

Thanksgiving 2016

I never knew what Thanksgiving really was until I moved to New York 9 years ago. I had vaguely heard about it of course but I never truly realized what it meant and how important it is to American culture until this country became my home. Over the years I have had many kinds of Thanksgiving…

Convalescent Foodie

A silly accident and a resulting broken foot have had me confined to the walls of my apartment for the past 10 days and I still have 10 more days to go until I am off crutches (who knew those are so hellish and painful to get around in!) and finally allowed to walk (albeit…